Housing and Residential Building Construction

Housing and Residential Building Construction (PDF)  — see brochure

Editorial Team (PDF)

Letter from the Editor

From: Ali Memari
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 6:53 PM
To: Members of the National Consortium of Housing Research Centers, Joint Committee on Building Science Education and its Affiliates
Subject: New Special Section on Housing and Residential Building Construction in ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering

Dear Colleague,

It is my pleasure to let you know that the ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering is planning to have a Special Section on Housing and Residential Building Construction in three of its four editions per year. The attached flyer introduces this new Special Section, which will cover various aspects of residential buildings, including but not limited to single- and multi-family dwellings, mid-rise and high-rise apartment buildings, dormitories, and hotels/motels. The Special Section papers that will go through a peer-review process include the following type of papers: technical research and development, technology transfer, case studies, and state-of-the-art review.

The scope of the topics suitable for the Special Section includes the following: residential construction materials, components, systems, and processes, modular and manufactured housing, application of building science and waterproofing in dwellings, serviceability and safety issues in residential construction, energy efficiency and sustainable design of residential buildings, man-made and natural disaster effects on residential buildings, temporary housing, healthy homes, housing for elderly and home-care patients, smart home technologies, home indoor air quality, affordable housing, architectural design of residential buildings, residential construction management, and retrofit design and construction of residential buildings.

I would like to invite you to consider submitting a paper to the Housing and Residential Building Construction Special Section. To submit your paper, please go to the following site: http://www.editorialmanager.com/jrnaeeng/. When you see the “Additional Information” section, in response to the following question: “Is this manuscript part of a Special Issue? If yes, please provide Special Issue title and guest editor name.”, please type the following in the dialogue box: “Housing and Residential Building Construction; Ali Memari”.

I would appreciate if you also forward this e-mail to those who may be interested in submitting a paper to the JAE Special Section on Housing and Residential Building Construction. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Ali Memari
Editor, Special Section on Housing and Residential Building Construction, ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering


Ali M. Memari, Ph.D., P.E., Professor

Bernard and Henrietta Hankin Chair in Residential Building Construction

Director, The Pennsylvania Housing Research Center (PHRC)

Department of Architectural Engineering

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

The Pennsylvania State University; 219 Sackett, University Park, PA 16802

Office: 814-863-9788; PHRC Office: 814-865-2341, Fax: 814-863-7304

E-mail: memari@engr.psu.edu; PHRC Website: www.engr.psu.edu/phrc

Personal Webpage: http://www.personal.psu.edu/faculty/a/m/amm7/

