Past Events (2014-2015)

2015 Events


EEBA Excellence in Building Conference & Expo

Denver Marriott Tech Center, Denver, CO — October 6-8, 2015

Third Annual Westford Building Science Education Update

August 2, 2015 – 1:30 – 4:00 p.m.

ASHRAE Annual Meeting

June 27 – July 1, 2015
Atlanta, GA

BUILDINGS VIII – Deadline for Abstracts – May 29, 2015

AIA Convention 2015

May 14 – 16, 2015; Atlanta, GA
[President Bill Clinton, Keynote]

Associated Schools of Construction

51st Annual International Conference
April 22-25, 2015
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

Race to Zero Awards Event

Golden, CO – April 18-20, 2015

Announcement & Call for Papers

NEW Date:  Abstracts due May 6, 2015

3rd Residential Building Design & Construction Conference
Penn State-PHRC, State College, PA

BEST4 Conference

Building Enclosure Science & Technology
April 13-15, 2015, Kansas City, MO

The Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI), in partnership with the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE), is pleased to announce the 6th Biennial Professional Conference for March 24-27, 2015. The theme of the conference is the “Birth and Life of the Integrated Building.”



Feb. 16-18, 2015;  San Diego, CA

ASHRAE Winter Meeting

Saturday, January 24 – Wednesday, January 28
Chicago, Illinois

NAHB International Builders Show

Tuesday, January 20 – Thursday, January 22
Las Vegas Convention Center

National Consortium of Housing Research Centers
Meetings in Las Vegas Convention Center – North – 2nd Floor

Executive Committee – Sunday, January 18 – 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. – North 231
Annual Meeting – Monday, January 19 – 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. – North 220

National Institute of Building Sciences — Building Innovation 2015 

Tuesday, January 6 – Friday, January 9, 2015  – Washington, DC

Washington Marriott Wardman Park

NOTE:  The NIBS-BETEC Board of Directors met on January 6, 2015.  At the meeting, they voted to recommend that  NIBS-BETEC co-host a building science education symposium (Toronto Sequel)  at the January 2016 NIBS Building Innovation Conference in Washington, DC.  NIBS would be the venue co-host.  The Joint Committee on Building Science Education, ASTM and many other organizations will co-host the event which is expected to focus on solutions to issues raised in the Toronto Building Science Education Workshop (April 6, 2014)


EEBA 2014 copy

EEBA Excellence in Building Conference & Expo

Sept. 23-25, 2014 — St. Louis Union Station, St. Louis, MO

NOTE:  Further information will be available, shortly, on the DOE Task Force on Building Science Education EEBA pre-conference meeting.  Tentative Schedule:

September 22, 2014

Morning Session:  8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. – Building Science Translator

Afternoon Session:  1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. – Curricula; Core Competency Matrix


Westford Building Science Education UPDATE

Sunday Afternoon, Aug. 3, 2014, 2:00 p.m.

Meeting Summary & Agenda; and
Presentation (Patrick Huelman)

ASHRAE 2014 Annual Conference

June 28-July 02, 2014 | Seattle, WA

June 29:  Joint Committee Presentation to the ASHRAE Board of Directors on Building Science Education

NCHRC Executive Committee

July 9, 2014
1021 Prince Street, Room 304
Alexandria, VA 22314


2014 ACI National Home Performance Conference & Trade Show

April 29 – May 1, 2014  |  Detroit, MI

ASTM/NIBS/Joint Committee Workshop  – Building Science Education in North America

See Workshop Results/Presentations – Toronto Workshop page



Sheraton Toronto, Toronto, ON – April 6, 2014

The Toronto workshop, co-sponsored by ASTM, NIBS, and the Joint Committee on Building Science Education,  will include presentations from invited speakers recognized in Canada and the United States as subject-matter experts in Building Science certification, training, and curriculum development.  Topics to be discussed will include an overview of building science education as it currently exists in North America, followed by a critical review of graduate-level curricula currently available in building science and how that curricula can be further developed and refined to more effectively educate architects, engineers, and construction professionals.

The workshop will conclude with a critical review of the ASTM/NIBS Building Enclosure Certification and Training Program currently under development and how that curriculum can be developed to align with curricula at colleges and universities in Canada and the U.S. to satisfy the certification requirements being developed by ASTM and offer a new opportunity for professional development, certification, and career advancement in architecture and engineering.  Students, professors, and lecturers in Building Science, as well as practicing architects, engineers, and risk management professionals should attend.

Additional technical information is available from workshop chairman Daniel Lemieux, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates Inc., Fairfax, Va. (phone: 703-641-4601;

ASTM Staff Contact: Hannah Sparks, Phone: 610-832-9677;


Associated Schools of Construction

50th Annual International Conference  March 26-28, 2014


NOTE: The Sustainable High Performance Buildings Session is moderated by Dr. Georg Reichard, will address building science education in high performance buildings, and the need for building science education in construction management curricula.

Sustainable High Performance Buildings Session (PDF)

Session Closing Presentation (PDF)

Washington, DC, Westin City Center Hotel

Conference Theme:  Construction Education, the Next 50 Years — Preparing our future professionals for new challenges and opportunities including life skills, globalization, and technology enhanced construction


Hosted by VA Tech, Dept. of Building Construction


2nd Residential Building Design and Construction Conference

Feb. 19-20, 2014 –

Penn State, University Park, PA

hosted by the PA Housing & Research Center

Draft Agenda (PDF)

NAHB International Builders Show


Feb. 4-6, 2014 – Las Vegas

National Consortium of Housing Research Centers (NCHRC)

Las Vegas Convention Center, North 222


ASHRAE Winter Conference

New York, NY – January 18-22, 2014

BUILDING INNOVATION 2014 January 4-10, 2014

Washington Marriott at Wardman Park, Washington, DC

Credentialing Council Meeting – January 6, 2014

Building Enclosure Technology and Environment Council (BETEC) Symposium:  Design, Efficiency and Recycling for the Building Enclosure Life Cycle  – January 9, 2014


See 2013 Archive for expanded listing of 2013 events.


Clearwater Beach Sunset

Clearwater Beach Sunset


December 1-5, 2013, Clearwater, FL

Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings XII International Conference

Dec. 2 – Evening – Beach Room –  A building science education meeting and open forum was held which provided updates on DOE, ASTM E06.55 and university building science education efforts. Updates were provided by the by Sam Raskhin on the work of the DOE Task Force on Building Science Education, including an update on the DOE Challenge Home Student Design Competition. Patrick Huelman provided an update on the work of the Joint Committee on Building Science Education’s Criteria Task Group, and the Joint committee’s Awards Committee. Dan Lemieux provided an update on the ASTM E06.55 /NIBS development of a certification for building enclosure professionals, and plans for the April 6, 2014 Building Science Education workshop in Toronto. Paul Totten gave an overview of BETEC Education Committee work and current cooperation with the Joint Committee.

Over the next few days following the meeting, numerous side meetings were held seeking comments and input from university professors on building science teaching resources.

Copies of the presentations, which can be downloaded, are on the “Working Files” page sidebar.

Excellence in Building Science Education Award

2013 Excellence in Building Science Education Award  [Prof. Patrick Huelman, U MN, Award Winner (Left); Sam Rashkin, DOE (Center); Prof. Andrew McCoy, VA Tech and Chairman, NCHRC (Right)]

2013 Excellence in Building Science Education Award [Prof. Patrick Huelman, U MN, Award Winner (Left); Sam Rashkin, DOE (Center); Prof. Andrew McCoy, VA Tech and Chairman, NCHRC (Right)]

 Congratulations to Pat Huelman!     The Excellence in Building Science Education Award was be presented at the Solar Decathlon event on Friday, October 4 during the Housing Innovation Awards event, adjunct to the 2013 Solar Decathlon in Irvine, CA.  Prof. Andrew McCoy, Chairman of the National Consortium of Housing Research Centers presented this year’s Excellence in Building Science Education Award to Prof. Patrick H. Huelman, U. MN.  Attached is the presentation speech (PDF).
