- Draft Conference Call Agenda
- ASTM E06-55 October 21 Meeting Summary
- 2013 Excellence in Building Science Education Award
- December 16 Deadline for Student Design Competition Nears
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BETEC Education Committee/Criteria Task Group Joint Conference Call
November 21, 2013 – 12:00 – 1:00 p.m., EST
Please help us identify and recommend teaching resource for building science education, and also, identify examples of good university building science education curricula and courses (including examples of incorporation of building science in standard courses).
Because we are trying to develop a listing of select teaching resources for the DOE student design competitions, we would appreciate your initial recommendations and comments prior to the Nov. 21st conference call, and revised comments by Dec. 9. Please email your recommendations and comments to: Teaching_Resources@BuildingScienceEducation.net.
Draft Agenda
- Brief Introductions and Announcements
- Recommendations and comments on teaching resources
- Textbooks and supplemental materials under key subject areas listed on website
- Subject Areas: (not necessarily in order of priority or discussion): Building Science for Building Enclosures; Detailing; Material Science for Buildings; HVAC/Ventilation; Other: QM, Systems Integration, etc.
- Infusion of Building Science in Classic Subjects – e.g., Construction Management, etc.
- Other Information needed – for future discussions – Information on university BSE related curricula and courses, including syllabi. Also, note possible future conference call topics, e.g., core competency/learning outcome matrix.
- Reminder of Student Competition Deadline
- Upcoming BSE Meetings: Dec. 2 and April 6; Other Meetings: ASHRAE; IBS, Penn State (see events page).
Summary of ASTM E06-55 October 21, 2013 Meeting
As part of the regularly scheduled Fall and Spring meetings of ASTM Committee E06 on Performance of Buildings, ASTM Subcommittee E06.55 on Performance of Building Enclosures met in Jacksonville, Florida on Monday, October 21, 2013. In addition to conducting the regular business of each of the Task Groups on E06.55, the Subcommittee also welcomed the direct participation of representatives of the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) in our meeting and the following announcements and new activities:
- Formation of a new Task Group that will develop a Standard Guide for architects and engineers to mitigate the risk for snow and ice accretion on buildings and structures, as well as a Standard Test Method for the evaluation of snow and ice accretion using pre-construction analysis, computer modeling, and full-scale laboratory mock-up testing.
- First face-to-face meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) that continues to guide the ASTM/NIBS Building Enclosure Certification and Training Program.
- Announcement of Laverne Dalgleish as the new Chair of the TAC responsible for guiding the development of the ASTM ASTM/NIBS Building Enclosure Certification and Training Program. The Program will include the establishment of three levels of personnel certification in accordance with ISO 17024, and will also include the establishment of a training-based certificate program in each of the test standards included in ASTM E2813, Annex A.2, beginning with laboratory and field testing for air leakage and water penetration resistance. Roll-out of the first phase of the ASTM/NIBS Building Enclosure Certification and Training Program (the training-based certificate program in cooperation with Architectural Testing, Inc.) is scheduled to begin on or before April 1, 2014.
- Announcement by Henry Green, President of NIBS, and Messrs. Colker, Smith, and Grant (also of NIBS) of the new NIBS/U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Commercial Workforce Credentialing Council (CWCC) and the formation of a Board of Advisors and Board of Directors to guide that activity. Messrs. Surak and Lemieux will represent ASTM on the Board of Advisors. The goal of the NIBS/DOE program will be to “improve the quality of and consistency of commercial building workforce credentials for five key job titles: Energy Auditor, Commissioning Professional, Building/Stationary Engineer, Facilities Manager, and Energy Manager”, and will be developed in compliance with ISO 17024. The ASTM/NIBS Building Enclosure Certification and Training Program is already in alignment with this effort and will be eligible for immediate accreditation by DOE when the program is complete and made available in the marketplace (currently scheduled for 2015).
- Announcement by NIBS (Henry Green) of its intent to move forward at the next meeting of the Building Enclosure Technology and Environment Council (BETEC) with the election of a new Chair and representatives to ASTM to continue the process of developing the ASTM/NIBS Building Enclosure Certification and Training Program and the conversion of NIBS Guideline 3 into an ASTM Standard Guide for Building Enclosure Commissioning. The new ASTM Standard Guide for Building Enclosure Commissioning will complement ASTM E2813, Standard Practice for Building Enclosure Commissioning and is scheduled for review and reballot on or before January 14, 2014. ASTM E2813 includes the minimum core competency requirements of the BECx service-provider that will serve as the basis for the development of the ASTM/NIBS Building Enclosure Certification and Training Program.
- Update from NIBS regarding the potential development of an ASTM National Performance Based Design Guide in cooperation with NIBS (Roger Grant) and the ASTM Built Environment Advisory Council (Chris Mathis, Chair).
- Update on the current status of the OPR Development software, a web-based tool developed by NIBS and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to assist owners in decision making and prioritization of project goals and objectives when developing Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR).
- Announcement of the ASTM/NIBS/Joint Committee on Building Science Education Workshop on Building Science Education in North America, currently scheduled for Sunday April 6, 2014 in Toronto: The Toronto workshop will include presentations from invited speakers recognized in Canada and the United States as subject-matter experts in Building Science certification, training, and curriculum development. Topics to be discussed will include an overview of building science education as it currently exists in North America, followed by a critical review of graduate-level curricula currently available in building science and how that curricula can be further developed and refined to more effectively educate architects, engineers, and construction professionals. The workshop will conclude with a critical review of the ASTM/NIBS Building Enclosure Certification and Training Program currently under development and how that curriculum can be developed to align with curricula at colleges and universities in Canada and the U.S. to satisfy the certification requirements being developed by ASTM and offer a new opportunity for professional development, certification, and career advancement in architecture and engineering. Students, professors, and lecturers in Building Science, as well as practicing architects, engineers, and risk management professionals should attend.
- Invited/confirmed speakers include John Straube of the University of Waterloo, Pat Huelmann of the University of Minnesota, and Georg Reichart of Virginia Tech. Messrs. Dan Lemieux and Chris Mathis will co-Chair the Workshop, which will be hosted by ASTM E06.55, Performance of Building Enclosures; ASTM E06.41, Air Leakage and Ventilation Performance, and; the ASTM Built Environment Advisory Committee. Contact Lemieux or Mathis for more information.
Excellence in Building Science Education Award
![2013 Excellence in Building Science Education Award [Prof. Patrick Huelman, U MN, Award Winner (Left); Sam Rashkin, DOE (Center); Prof. Andrew McCoy, VA Tech and Chairman, NCHRC (Right)]](https://buildingscienceeducation.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Excellence-Award-2013-IMG_2801-copy.png)
2013 Excellence in Building Science Education Award [Prof. Patrick Huelman, U MN, Award Winner (Left); Sam Rashkin, DOE (Center); Prof. Andrew McCoy, VA Tech and Chairman, NCHRC (Right)]
The Deadline to Join the DOE Race to Zero is Approaching Fast!
Fifteen universities and colleges from the United States and Canada have assembled teams to compete in the US Department of Energy (DOE) Challenge Home Student Design Competition. This competition will provide the next generation of architects, engineers, construction managers, and entrepreneurs with skills and experience to start their careers, generate creative solutions to real-world problems, and network with leading industry professionals.
Prospective teams still have time to register a team for the competition, but the December 16th deadline is approaching fast. Submissions will be due in mid-March and we anticipate the Student Awards Presentation and Recognition will take place at a national industry conference in Spring 2014. We encourage all prospective teams to register as soon as possible to gain access to the resources available for student and faculty team members.
The DOE Challenge Home Student Design Competition seeks student innovations for high-performance homes that can be implemented by the home building industry today and serve as “models for success.” Competition submissions are intended to demonstrate the teams’ knowledge and skills to design, analyze, and plan the construction of quality, zero energy ready homes that meet or exceed the DOE Challenge Home requirements.
Each team must be sponsored by a collegiate institution, be comprised of at least three students and a faculty advisor, and have a designated student team lead. Student teams are encouraged to be multidisciplinary in nature and have industry advisors, such as a local home builder, to help inform their decision-making process. Teams will be provided free access to a nationally acclaimed training program for building professionals; free access to residential energy analysis, code compliance and rating software developed specifically for the needs of HERS providers; and unparalleled building science educational materials.
We hope that you will consider being part of the inaugural DOE Challenge Home Student Design Competition!
For more details on the competition and its criteria: http://www.homeinnovation.com/DOEChallengeHomeStudentDesignCompetition